The 1916 war diary of 2nd Lieut. Dick Willis Fleming


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This page contains a single entry by Dick published on April 27, 1916 11:59 PM.

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27 April 1916

Posted by Dick on April 27, 1916
Not a wildly exciting day; I was busy all the morning and afternoon with two beams and G.S. wagons, and I got the list of our supplies over to our own men's camp. We had a bathe at midday and rigged up a high dive with some old barrels, about eleven feet high.

Jeans rode over to see the remnant of the Worcester Yeomanry today, they have only got 1 officer and 36 men left out of the whole regiment. They say they were completely surprised and outnumbered; the officer's report from divisional headquarters tonight says that the Turks were about four thousand strong, inclusive of one thousand Germans. They had a good many guns and four Fokker aeroplanes with them. I shouldn't be surprised if this stops us going to France for some time, if not indefinitely.

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