The 1916 war diary of 2nd Lieut. Dick Willis Fleming


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This page contains a single entry by Dick published on May 27, 1916 11:59 PM.

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27 May 1916

Posted by Dick on May 27, 1916
Up before dawn this morning and Bombardier Manning and I laid out a telephone line from the right section position to its new O.Pip at the infantry trenches overlooking the beach and the dry bed of Lake Bardawil, which is a good hard surface for the enemy to attack over. We stood by there till six o'clock. Badcock and B then went up to the new positions for the left sections and had another look around.

Bathed during the afternoon. At five o'clock this evening we went up to the new gun positions for the left section and began making the emplacements and filling sandbags. The colonel came up from Kantara this evening and is going to spend the night with us. He rode Kitty up from Railhead and told me he thought she was a very nice ride and then dropped a dark hint that he didn't think his own chargers were good enough and that he was going to get better over from the brigade. I do hope he isn't thinking of taking Kitty. I should be most awfully sorry if I had to give her up.

The colonel told us that he has had reliable news from Port Said that we are collecting a large force at Cyprus, so it looks rather as if we are going to try and make a landing at Alexandretta and cut the Turkish railway there

I am going up to the left section O.Pip for the night.

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