The 1916 war diary of 2nd Lieut. Dick Willis Fleming


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This page contains a single entry by Dick published on May 4, 1916 11:59 PM.

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4 May 1916

Posted by Dick on May 4, 1916
Our shoot began at seven o'clock this morning. Badcock, Franklyn, and I were the F.O.O.s and we each took on a target and fired the battery from there. The General was very pleased with the shoot, and Col. Robertson congratulated Jeans on the shooting and the steadiness and fine discipline of the men - so we all feel several inches taller. I had a topping bathe at midday. This evening the battery piscatorial society (Elliott and Franklyn) brought in three good bass, the smallest weighing about a pound.

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On 4th, the shooting practice was so successful that the Colonel paraded the Battery, and told them, in the presence of the officers of other batteries who were observing the shooting, that from beginning to end not a single mistake was detected. He praised both the speed and accuracy, and stated that the fire discipline was excellent. The wooden platforms were found to be the best, and finally adopted. The Battery thus gained the reputation for good shooting which was upheld throughout the period of service.

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