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Middle Stoneham

From The Muniment Room, a resource for social history, family history, and local history.

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Middle Stoneham, also known as plain Middle, or Middle Street, was a scattered village at North Stoneham on the Stoneham Estate, and is often described as 'North Stoneham village', although there was no village of that name. Middle Stoneham adjoined the northeast boundaries of North Stoneham Park. The area south of the village was known as the Church End.

History of Middle Stoneham walk, Sun 4 October 2009, 2pm; meet at the Stoneham War Shrine. A guided walk with Hamble Valley Heritage Guides around Middle area, taking in Magpie Lane, Chestnut Avenue, Stoneham Lane, and comparing pictures of how the area appeared in days gone by, to how it is today. Led by Eric Reed.

Selected views

Middle Stoneham from postcard c.1910, looking northwest from Stoneham Lane: Durmans farmhouse (right) with glimpse of rear of Cottages No. 37-38 beyond (left).
Middle Stoneham from postcard c.1910, looking east along Chestnut Avenue: Cottages Nos. 32-33, Post House (left), Cottages Nos. 35-36 (centre) and Cottage No. 34, the Forge (right).
Middle Stoneham looking west along Chestnut Avenue with Cricketers Arms on right, and glimpse of Doncaster Farm buildings on left.
Middle Stoneham c.1900, looking east from Chestnut Avenue along Stoneham Lane: Cottages Nos. 35-36 (left) and Cottage No. 34, the Forge (right).
Chestnut Avenue [?}
Stoneham War Shrine, built 1917.
Footbridge at Spring Lane ford crossing Monks Brook at the north end of Spring Lane, with glimpse of Cottages Nos. 39-44 at north end of Spring Lane
Middle Stoneham c.1900: looking southeast across Spring Lane at Cottages Nos. 39-44, a row of six cottages at the north end of Spring Lane.


Estate Plan1818 Survey
Chestnut Avenue, north side from west
Cottage No. 20140
Cottage No. 21138
Cottage No. 22 (Pound Cottage)137
The Pound
Barracks (3 cottages)180
Cottages Nos. 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, & 31 (Terrace of 6 cottages)181
Cricketers Arms, formerly Yew Tree Farm182
Cottages Nos. 32-33 (Post House)186
Cottages No. 35-36190
Durmans farmhouse (Middle Farm)222
Chestnut Avenue, south side from west
Winchester Lodge
Doncaster Farm buildings and yard, also known as Bull Farm buildings
Stoneham War Shrine
Cottage No. 34 (Forge)191
Doncaster Cottage220
Spring Lane (Magpie Lane, Back Lane), east side from south
Cottages No. 37-38 (inc. the White Cottage)188 & 189
5, Magpie Lane
Cottages Nos. 39-44 (Terrace of six cottages)132
Spring Lane (Magpie Lane, Back Lane), west side
Cottages Nos. 45-46, known as Yonder Thatch131
North of Spring Lane (Magpie Lane)
Spring Lane ford
Cottage No. 47 (Cottages east of ford, towards gasworks?)104
Near the Forge
Cottage (51?)
St Nicolas Church Hall (The Green Hut)
Church End
North Stoneham School
North Stoneham Rectory
Temple Lodge
North Stoneham Church
Old North Stoneham House
Ford at Doncaster Drove

Selected views of Church End

North Stoneham School, Empire Day 1907.
View looking north along Stoneham Lane towards North Stoneham Church and North Stoneham Rectory.
Temple Lodge at the eastern entrance to North Stoneham Park
Footbridge at Doncaster Drove ford, crossing Monks Brook.
North Stoneham Church from Stoneham Lane, with glimpse of parkland beyond.
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